Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal
Control: tags 676870 + wontfix

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package ‘lojban-common’:

    $ dget -x

It builds these binary packages:

    lojban-common - commonly-used wordlists for the Lojban language

More information about ‘lojban-common’ can be obtained from

Changes since the last upload:

 lojban-common (1.5+dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * The “Goose Blues” release.
   * New upstream version to reflect change in which upstream files we get.
   * debian/get-orig-source, debian/upstream.sha1sums, debian/README.Debian:
     + Omit file ‘NORALUJV.txt’ which is not covered under a grant of
       license to redistribute.
       Thanks to David Prévot <> for NMU help.
       (Closes: bug#685279)
   * debian/copyright:
     + Declare conformance with copyright format version 1.0.
   * debian/*:
     + Update copyright notices.
     + Re-license original work under GPL-3+.
   * debian/control, debian/watch:
     + Update VCS fields following changes at Alioth.
     + Declare “Standards-Version: 3.9.5”.

 \        “That's the essence of science: Ask an impertinent question, |
  `\            and you're on the way to the pertinent answer.” —Jacob |
_o__)                             Bronowski, _The Ascent of Man_, 1973 |
Ben Finney <>

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