On 07-10-13 14:47, Graham Inggs wrote:
> On 05/10/2013 19:22, Paul Gevers wrote:
>> What I intended you to do is to state the above also in bug 412811, so
>> that it is clear for people looking at that bug report. And when you
>> communicate with debian-legal, make sure the bug is in CC.
> I will do.  I intend to follow up in both bugs after I have made further
> progress and after the upload records me as the maintainer of
> dxsamples.  What I wrote in this bug was to let you know I was working
> on both.  I should have made that clear.

Ack. But I still think you can comment on these bugs, even if
technically you are not yet the maintainer.

>> These directories don't exist, am I (and lintian) right? So why do you
>> even want these symlinks? Speculating now, but maybe this was something
>> from the past.
> My understanding is these symlinks link the samples and java directories
> located in /usr/share/dx to where the main dx program expects to find
> them in /usr/lib/dx.  A similar relationship exists with the dx-doc
> package where the main dx package has symlinks linking html and help
> located in /usr/share/doc/dx into /usr/lib/dx.

Ah, I now see what you mean. The /usr/share/dx/java/* and
/usr/share/dx/samples/* are files in dxsamples. Why did you want to move
them from dxsamples to dx? Most of the time, but certainly not always, I
would put them in the package that provides the target files. This is
also what lintian warns about, so I guess my idea is not strange.


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