Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Hello all,

I would appreciate a sponsor for an ITA of "ifmetric"

   Package name    : ifmetric
   Version         : 0.3-3
   Upstream Author : Lennart Poettering <>
   URL             :
   License         : GPL-2+
   Section         : net

It builds this binary package:

   ifmetric   - Set routing metrics for a network interface

After waiting a while for a reply on #514197, I was recently able to
contact the previous maintainer at a personal email address, and he was
happy to have me adopt ifmetric.  I asked for a confirmation reply to
the ITA I created, #721769, but have not seen one, as of yet.  (There
was no O: filed, although he though he had filed one.)

ifmetric has been basically non-functional since #514197 and I have been
maintaining my own patched copy since that time.  For the ITA, I have
fully updated all the packaging to current standards and lintian
--pedantic goodness.

Here's the mentors URL:

Here's the dget command:
   dget -x

And here are the collab-maint repository URLs (pristine-tar,
git-buildpackage ready):

ifmetric (0.3-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * New maintainer.  Closes: #721769
  * Update to standards-version 3.9.4.
  * Update to compat 9 for hardening build flags.
  * Remove empty debian/{pre,post}{inst,rm} files.
  * Add debian/source/format - 3.0 (quilt).
  * Add Vcs-* and Homepage fields to debian/control.
  * Update debian/copyright to machine readable format.
  * Switch debian/copyright license reference from GPL symlink to GPL-2.
  * Move debian/ifmetric.ifup to debian/ifmetric.if-up.
  * Add debian/watch file.
  * Switch from cdbs to dh.
  * Add debian/source/{options,patch-header} for git packaging.
  * Patch src/ifmetric.c for s/Recieved/Received/ typo.
  * Add debian/upstream_changelog from homepage News section.
  * Add patch to fix "NETLINK: Packet too small or truncated!" error.
    Thanks to Benedek László for the patch.  Closes: #514197, LP: #896584

Kind regards,
Michael Shuler

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