On 23/08/13 05:01, Paul Wise wrote:
>>> The SVG source for rubyripper.png is missing from the package.
>> This is not included upstream either. Does Debian have a policy of not
>> accepting rasterised icons?
> ftpmasters have a policy of requiring the preferred form for
> modification be available and that it be possible to build results
> from it on Debian (not necessarily that they be built at build time).
> They may or may not notice this issue though.
> http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines
> http://ftp-master.debian.org/REJECT-FAQ.html
I'll see what upstream have, but I suspect that if the SVG was
available, it would be in the tree or on the website.

>> No, it doesn't look safe to me either (though I hadn't noticed
>> previously). See patch 6.
> That is a quite ugly fix that may or may not actually fix the issue. I
> would suggest that command be an array constructed in the usual way
> for ruby and passed to popen, instead of just constructing a string
> and then splitting it based on a regex.

You're right. I leant away from a proper patch initially due to not
wanting to make invasive changes. See the latest patch though - now
constructing the array of arguments properly.

>> There is no changelog included upstream.
> Perhaps they would be willing to include a ChangeLog generated from
> the git log or a NEWS file.

I'll file another upstream bug about this.

Thanks again.

Scott Leggett.

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