Am Donnerstag, den 20.06.2013, 13:01 +0200 schrieb Samuel Mehrbrodt:
> Am 20.06.2013 09:46, schrieb Daniel Beyer:
> > I think you tried to open an ITP using reportbug. In this case you
> > should have received an email with a subject in the form "Bug#NNNNNN:
> > Acknowledgement (ITP: ...". It might worth checking your SPAM for such a
> > message. If you did not get such a message, your bugreport most likely
> > never left your local system.
> I didn't get an email, but when I use reportbug again, it says the 
> package already exists. So it seems that it has worked.

That's kind of strange. I for myself can not find an issue with "expo"
in the title, that is filled out against the WNPP pseudo-bug (which does
not mean it is not out there). Can you provide some more details here?
Please note that I'm not a DD, so my capabilities to help you are

> Ok, I changed the upload method to ftp and now it is uploaded. But it 
> doesn't appear on the site and I didn't get an email either.
> Here's the output:
> ...
> Uploading to mentors (via ftp to
>    Uploading exposong_0.8.dsc: 553 Could not create file.
> Leaving existing exposong_0.8.dsc on the server and continuing
> NOTE: This existing file may have been previously uploaded partially.
>         For official Debian upload queues, the dcut(1) utility can be
>         used to remove this file, and after an acknowledgement mail is
>         received in response to dcut, the upload can be re-initiated.
>    Uploading exposong_0.8.tar.gz: done.
>    Uploading exposong_0.8_all.deb: done.
>    Uploading exposong_0.8_amd64.changes: done.
> Successfully uploaded packages.

Did you build the package with option '-sa' to include the source?
Anyway I wonder about the "NOTE:" message. Never seen this one with my
uploads to You might want to use dcut, as dput
suggests (that's what I would do in your position).

> > If you think your packaging is in a good shape, you were right uploading
> > it to If not done so far, you might additionally
> > want to put the packaging under some version control (e.g. using git)
> > and publish it (e.g. on github) .
> Which files should I put under version control? The debian/ directory 
> with the information to generate the packages is already under source 
> control.

Forget about this one. It looks like we are talking about and you are an active developer
there. Since this project has its Debian packaging self-contained, there
is no need to put it separately somewhere else.

> Samuel


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