On 12/06/13 03:28, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-06-12 at 03:10 +0200, Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez wrote:
>> Which package contains such oui file? Is there any package shipping
>> generic oui files to be shared or is every package shipping just his own
>> oui file?
> None yet, all packages that need it ship a copy of it, possibly in a
> different form. See these bugs for the current status (not good):
> http://bugs.debian.org/522741
> http://bugs.debian.org/522642
> http://bugs.debian.org/481296

Interesting. I would keep an eye on this bugs. I think is a great idea
to have this file shipped by only one package, ready for others to use.

>> I find the usage of an expiration date a bit annoying, because if
>> someone don't updates regularly his keyring he can have my key expired
>> even if I renewed it, and he could run into trouble to encrypt the mail
>> to me. Not everyone is tech savvy. This already has happened with some
>> friends.
> Not regularly updating your keyring is a security issue because you will
> miss key revocations.

Makes sense. I didn't thought about this from that perspective

> Having a key expiry is a good way to find people
> who are vulnerable to this issue and inform them that they need to
> change their practices. With parcimonie and tor installed, they
> basically don't need to think about it any more. The OpenPGP best
> practices document covers this and several other things:

I didn't know about parcimonie, looks like a must-have tool :)

I will look at setting an expire date on my key.


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