Hi Srećko,

the package looks ok for me. Just a couple of notes:
1) Please, add "--parallel" to dh to get a faster building.
2) Is it difficult to add some kind of auto-test? Better to add one more
target into makefile (you patch it anyway), so it can be picked up by
3) Do you plan to add some more binaries (java-libaria or something
like that)? After adding a binary to an existing package, it should go
to new queue. So if you are planning to add something else, please do it
now not to bother ftp-master to look at your package after each upload.

When you are ready, no need to upload a package to mentors. I can take
it from VCS.



On 05/08/2013 11:32 AM, Srećko Jurić-Kavelj wrote:
> Dear mentors, Anton,
> I've recently updated my package "libaria"
>  * Package name        : libaria
>    Version             :
>    Upstream Maintainer : Reed Hedges <reed.hed...@adept.com>
>  * URL                 : http://robots.mobilerobots.com/wiki/ARIA
>  * License             : GPL-2
>    Section             : libs
>   It builds those binary packages:
>   libaria-demo - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots (demo example)
>   libaria-dev - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots (devel)
>   libaria-dev-doc - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots (devel 
> docs)
>   libaria2 - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots
>   python-libaria - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots
> (Python bindings)
>   To access further information about this package, please visit the following
>   URL:
>   http://mentors.debian.net/package/libaria
>   Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:
>     dget -x 
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/liba/libaria/libaria_2.7.5.2-3.dsc
>   Changes since the last upload:
>   * Removed statically linked library.
>   * Corrected Multi-Arch config for the doc package.
>   * Building python-libaria package (SWIG generated bindings)
>   * Building libaria-demo package
> I've named the python package python-libaria, but the packaged module
> is named AriaPy. Debian Python Policy states that the package name
> should be the module name prefixed by python-, but on the other hand,
> package names should be lower case (Debian Policy). Compromise would
> be python-ariapy, but it seems redundant.
> Also, I've added only the default python version to Build-Depends.
> Hope this is OK.
> Furthermore, I've packaged an example binary using the library in a
> separate package (because of the Multi-Arch support). I've renamed it
> from demo to aria-demo.
> And last, libaria-dev-doc packages CPP examples for using the library.
> I've also provided a Makefile there, that builds those examples in
> /tmp (default).
> PS I've tried to build the package in squeeze environment (for
> backporting), and while it did succeed after adding backports
> repository (for debhelper, lintian, ...), python package wasn't
> correctly generated (uses dh_python2). Also, lintian complained about
> Hardening, which should be handled by the backported debhelper 9,
> right? Anyway, even if I do succeed in generating the package for
> squeeze, would it be of any good (since I've locally added backports
> to my squeeze environment).
> Best regards,
> Srećko Jurić-Kavelj, dipl.ing. (Ms.E.E)
> Research and Teaching Assistant at University of Zagreb
> (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of
> Control and Computer Engineering)
> Phone: +385 (0)1 6129 529
> Fax: +385 (0)1 6129 809
> E-mail: srecko.juric-kav...@fer.hr
> URL: http://www.fer.hr/srecko.juric-kavelj
> Sanctus Hieronymus: "Parce mihi, Domine, quia dalmata sum!"

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