Andreas Rönnquist <> writes:

> I believe you have greater chances getting an answer to this on
> - list CC'd.

Actually, no, not really. The debian-mentors@ list is for Debian
packaging, mostly, not for questions unrelated to that. I'd think -user
or or something similar is the most appropriate
place to ask these kind of questions.


> On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 15:26:50 +0200
> Jimmy Thrasibule <> wrote:
>> I have a core project on which I maintain a set of patches using
>> Quilt. This allows me to make changes to the project without touching
>> the files so I can upgrade to new versions easily.
>> I keep my patches and the core project in a Git repository. When I
>> want to change something, I apply my patches using Quilt, then I
>> revert all my changes and I just commit the resulting patch.
>> I would like to have a branch where all my patches are applied to
>> deploy the code but I can't find any good way to do this.
>> If I create a new branch from master and apply the patches, I will
>> have conflicts on the next merge. I need something to apply the
>> patches before the merge (maybe using one of the hooks?).

Last time I needed to do something like this, I had the following setup:
one branch with the pristine upstream sources (remote branch works
aswell, but I like to keep a local copy, just for clarity's sake),
another with all patches applied.

Whenever I wanted to upgrade, I just rebased the patched branch onto
master, and that's about it. Rebase does pretty much what you described
above: unapplies your patches, merges in master, and puts your patches
on top.

Exporting quilt-patches out of that if that's your thing is fairly easy,
I believe. In my case, I needed debian/patches/ stuff, and gitpkg was
helpful and enough for my needs.


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