On Sun, 10 Jun 2012 14:28:39 +0200, Alexander Toresson wrote:

> > - The changelog doesn't mention if this is a hostile takeover, a
> >  friendly salvage or whatever of the package.
> I want this to be as friendly as possible, but so far Joe hasn't been
> very responsive at all. In fact, even this RFS didn't get any response
> from Joe, and the last response I got to any e-mail I've sent to him
> was in late 2009. I'm simply not sure how to approach this, but if
> this doesn't get his attention, a "hostile takeover" might be
> necessary. How is this kind of situation usually handled in Debian?
There was a long discussion about this in May/June on debian-devel.
One message that summarizes the situation is

The general information is in the Developer's Reference:

Cf. also http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/MIATeam and


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