On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:37:31AM +0200, Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:
> Next I'm going to package the jPlayer skins (Blue Monday and Pink
> Flags). I'm not exactly versed in licenses for artwork but MIT/GPL for
> a GIF animation and PSD files looks wrong.

Typically it's XCF or PSD files that are the preferred form of modification
for images, so this sounds just right to me.  GPL can apply to any software,
not just programs.

GIFs tend to be a flattened/reduced version from some source, but since so
many people throw away intermediate files (sadly, often me included), it's
plausible the GIF is the best extant form for modification.  And you can
edit it, so there are no big GPL/DFSG issues.

If you include an OGG sound effect of a cat's meow in a GPLed work, no
reasonable person will demand including the cat even though it's the real

“This is gonna be as easy as cheating on an ethics exam!”
    -Cerise Brightmoon

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