Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

my usual sponsor for openvpn-auth-radius, Sven Hoexter, lacks time for
uploading this update.

openvpn-auth-radius is a plugin for openvpn that enables authentication
via a radius server. It is written in C/C++. The package is already
present in the archive. The following is the new changelog entry:

openvpn-auth-radius (2.1-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * binary* targets need to depend on build target.
  * Mention quilt's README.source in README.source.
  * Bumped Standards-Version: no changes needed.
  * Update debian/copyright to machine readable specification 1.0.
  * Support dpkg-buildflags.
  * Switch to debhelper 8 and use overrides.

 -- Helmut Grohne <>  Tue, 06 Mar 2012 16:31:05 +0100

Note that support for dpkg-buildflags is a way to meet the hardening
release goal.

Please refrain from suggesting higher debhelper compatibility levels. It
needs to be easily backportable.

I verified that the updated package builds cleanly in pbuilder and
passes sid's lintian -Ii --pedantic -E without any output.

A .debdiff to the package already in the archive is attached to this
mail. To construct the package to be uploaded, please apt-get source
openvpn-auth-radius from either testing or unstable and apply the
debdiff. I would be glad if a one-time sponsor could do this upload.


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