On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 08:41:35 +0800, Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 8:05 AM, Paul Wise wrote:
> > I note that the package is installable on hurd-*. AFAICT Hurd doesn't
> > support sound or Alsa so maybe it should not depend on 'hurd' or
> > should switch to architecture linux-any (or linux-all if that
> > existed)?
> The kind folks on #debian-hurd pointed out that kldutils provides
> module-init-tools on kFreeBSD and that it is useful for oss-compat to
> be installable on hurd since other things depend on it (that don't
> nessecarily need OSS at runtime).
> I took the liberty of adding (LP: #340873) to the changelog.

LP#340873 actually corresponds to #518149, which was fixed in 0.0.4+nmu3. I
did notice though that it was still open against Lucid, which already has
0.0.4+nmu3, so I closed it manually there. Thanks for triaging the other
launchpad bugs!

> Uploaded.



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