On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 01:53:02AM +0100, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * Simon Chopin <chopin.si...@gmail.com>, 2012-01-03, 16:38:
> >>+libchromaprint.so.0 libchromaprint0 #MINVER#
> >[c++ symbols]
> >>It's slightly worrisome that these symbols are exported in the
> >>first place. OTOH I don't know if there's a simple and
> >>upstreamable way to hide them. (Upstream is using cmake.)
> >Yep, I've looked around to find a solution to strip all the
> >template cruft, but so far the only solution I've found would be
> >to do a `strip -x libchromaprint.so.0.1.4`.
> Hmm, are you sure "strip -x" helps?

After rechecking, nope, I must have dreamt it. Sorry about that.

> >>But anyway, on i386 I get this lintian error:
> >>E: libchromaprint0: 
> >>symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on symbol 
> >>_ZNSt6vectorIdSaIdEE14_M_fill_insertEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPdS1_EEjRKd@Base
> >> and 2 others
> >I added a specific symbol file for i386, but I fear the problem
> >will also occur with other architectures.
> Of course it will. :)
I just realized, I don't need to put the extra symbols in a different
file since they are marked optional. Updated.

But I still don't know the procedure for the other architectures. Would
it be okay to upload it like this and just update the symbols file
according to the buildd logs ?



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