
On Thursday, December 15, 2011 05:55:27 AM Thomas Goirand wrote:
> 1/ pkg-php-tools and missing php-xml-util depends
> It's good you've switched to pkg-php-tools, but you've missed something
> important:
> Depends: ${phppear:Debian-Depends}

Fixed. php-xml-util is now also in the binary package dependencies if built 
with pbuilder.

> 2/ debian/copyright
> The copyright notice for GPL-3+ is missing important bits that, unless
> I'm mistaking, should be there. Other packages I've seen carrying the
> GPL3 have a "no warranty disclaimer" and the address of the FSF. I
> believe it should be in your debian/copyright too.

I think I've corrected the copyright file but there are not really any examples 
of how these files should look. I hope its correct that way.

The newest version is in my git-repo:
... I hope its ok if I don't upload the newest version to mentors every time.

> 3/ Using Git for packaging
> It'd be great if you were using git-buildpackage and storing your
> packaging into Git. A majority of PEAR packages are using it, and most
> are stored in /git/pkg-php. Would you care for joining the Alioth group
> and maintain this way? (it's not mandatory to team maintain, but I
> really recommend it)

My previous join-request was completely ignored. All-in-all 
http://php.debian.net seems pretty broken and dead and the mailinglists are 
predominantely used to redistribute spam.

On git-buildpackage: I didn't get pbuilder integration to work correctly, so 
I'd rather avoid using git-buildpackage for now.

I hope the package is now fit for debian sid!

greetings, Mati

me on twitter: @mathiasertl | soup: http://soup.er.tl
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