I'm getting some lintian warnings on one of my packages (at

  W: nemid: postinst-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
  W: nemid: postrm-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig

  The reason is quite evident: the nemid package doesn't include a library;
instead, the postinst and postrm scripts download a library from an
external web page and call ldconfig afterwards. Lintian obviously can't
know that a library is being installed and removed, hence the warning.

  How do I suppress this lintian warning without resorting to, e.g.,
secondary download-and-install scripts that are invoked from postinst and

  Oh, by the way: I'm still looking for a sponsor for the package. :)

Rødhættevej 4 * 9400 Nørresundby
  Telefon: 9632-0108 * Mobil: 2467-5526 * Skype: ole.wolf * SIP:

[1] http://naturloven.dk

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