On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 04:49, Pau Garcia i Quiles <pgqui...@elpauer.org>wrote:

> > I see what you mean, but my intent was to get flex-sdk into non-free or
> > contrib first.  When that's finalized, we can undertake the (rather
> large)
> > task of getting the SDK built from source, after which point it can be
> moved
> > into main.  In my opinion, there's no point in splitting it up right now,
> > since none of it can currently be built from source.
> >
> > If, after the SDK is built from source, there are still small pieces of
> it
> > that can't be built from source, then a flex-sdk-nonfree would make
> sense,
> > in my opinion.
> Given that Adobe is donating Flex SDK to Apache, I'd expect all the
> licensing and build issues to be cleared very soon
> http://www.techworld.com.au/article/407714/adobe_donates_flex_apache

Sorry it took so long to respond.  I just started a new job, and my time is
a bit tighter now.

Well, now I _really_ don't see the point in investing a lot of effort in
fighting the Adobe build system.  So my opinion is that we should either
put the flex-sdk package as is into non-free or contrib, or just wait until
Apache reorganizes it into something friendlier.


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