Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "php-phpdocumentor". phpdocumentor 
( allows you to automatically generate API documentation 
and tutorials for php libraries. This package would close not one but two 
long-standing bugs: #206536 and #519267. Although this package is lintian-
clean, I am not sure if I do everything the right way, please see towards the 
end of this mail for some questions.

 * Package name    : php-phpdocumentor
   Version         : 1.4.3-1
   Upstream Author : Joshua Eichorn <>
 * URL             :
 * License         : LGPL2
   Section         : web

It builds those binary packages:

php-phpdocumentor - automatic documenting of php api directly from the source.

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x

This package is lintian-clean, but there are still some things where I'm not 
sure if I do it the right way:
* There is an accidental licensing issue with a single file in version 1.4.3 of 
phpdocumentor. There was a bug filed[0] and its fixed in the latest revision. I 
have created a patch to fix the license to the one in SVN. Is that OK?
* There are three lintian overrides. As far as I can tell the three files are 
in fact right where they should be (and used by the phpdoc that way). I hope 
thats good to. 
* I have created a man-page for phpdoc using help2man and added some minor 
info about it. I hope its sufficient. 
* I used the cdbs system simply because it made my life easy. I am not sure if 
this is allowed in the standard debian distribution?
* I am also not sure of the appropriate section. The default is 'web', but 
i.e. python-sphinx has the section 'python'.

I would be glad if someone reviewed and uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards,

Mathias Ertl


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