Dear mentors and Gnome maintainers,

I am looking for a sponsor for gpaste. The source is
accessible at [0] and the binaries on [1]. As you can see on [2] I
already have been helping maintaining other packages.
The idea is to integrate the package in the gnome vcs if you think it
deserves to be included in Debian.

Source: gpaste
Section: gnome
Priority: extra

Package: gpaste
Architecture: any
Description: clipboard management suite for GNOME
 The suite is composed by:
 gpasted is a clipboard management daemon with DBus interface
 gpaste is its CLI client
 gpaste settings is a tool to edit gpasted settings
 gpaste applet is a tray icon to manage gpasted
 There is also a GNOME Shell native applet (gnome-shell-extensions-gpaste)

Package: gnome-shell-extensions-gpaste
Architecture: all
Description: GPaste extension for GNOME Shell
 This package provides a native GNOME Shell applet for GPaste clipboard
 management suite

gpaste (1.99-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * Initial release (Closes: #647263)
    Package based in the work by Alin Andrei <>

 -- Victor Seva <>  Tue, 13 Nov 2011
16:04:35 +0100

Thanks in advance.


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