Am 01.11.2011 15:46, schrieb Teus Benschop:
> On Tue, 2011-11-01 at 15:34 +0100, Sebastian H. wrote:
>> 1. It allows to add new translations or update existing ones
>> without having to change/revalidate the (fat) qasmixer package.
>> 2. The l10n package can be used for all architectures.
>> This should save some precious bytes on the package servers.
> It is possible to use this structure:
> package qasmixer, depends on:
> package qasmizer-data
> The -data package may then contain all stuff that works on all
> architectures, including all the localized strings in the .desktop file.

That's a nice solution. It also saves users from the extra click on the
l10n package. I think I'll put it this way then.


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