Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "prerex".

* Package name    : prerex
  Version         : 6.2
  Upstream Author : Bob Tennent <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPLv2+, LPPL
  Programming Lang: C, Qt
  Description     : course prerequisite chart editor for LaTeX/TikZ

 prerex is an editor for creating esthetically pleasing course prerequisite
 charts using the TikZ LaTeX package.
 The editor supports add, remove, cut-and-paste, and edit operations on
 diagram elements, and shifts of a list of specified elements or the
 entire diagram. The edited diagram may be saved, re-processed, and viewed in
 a PDF viewer, without exiting the editor.
 Course prerequisite charts allow students to easily determine which
 prerequisites, corequisites and recommended prerequisites they need for a
 given course and their time slots. Course prerequisite charts also highlight
 the courses required by a degree.
 prerex is used by departments in several universities, including Queen's
 University and Suffolk University.

The package is lintian clean, builds, installs and runs. You may find a build
log at

It builds the following two binary packages:

 prerex     - course prerequisite chart editor for LaTeX/TikZ
 vprerex    - Qt interface to prerex, a course prerequisite chart editor

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards,

Ryan Kavanagh

|_)|_/  Ryan Kavanagh             |  GnuPG key
| \| \         |  4A11C97A

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