Hi Torsten, hi *,

Am Sun, 18 Sep 2011 10:39:22 +0200
schrieb Torsten Werner <mail.twer...@gmail.com>:

> > Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this
> > command:
> >
> >  dget -x
> >  http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/a/animal-sniffer/animal-sniffer_1.7-1.dsc
> the git URL would be more useful. BTW, the pristine-tar branch did not
sorry, this is the RFS template of mentors.debian.net :-). 

> contain upstream version 1.7 and there was no tag upstream/1.7. It is
> a good practice to create tags for upstream versions. I've fixed both.
Ok, thanks. 

> Are you aware that you specified Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7) but
> debian/compat contains a 5?
No, i missed that. Its fixed now.

> The copyright file has a line 'Copyright (c) <year> <copyright
> holders>'. That should be fixed before the initial upload.
Its fixed now.

> I am pretty sure that you can replace your multiline file
> debian/libanimal-sniffer-java-doc.install by one line
>   target/site/apidocs/*
> usr/share/doc/libanimal-sniffer-java/libanimal-sniffer/api
> and drop the file doc-base.index.html but YMMV.
The javadocs for every sub module are generated in
<MODULE>/target/apidocs/ and every javadoc has its own index.html.
The doc-base registration only allows one single index page so i
introduce the doc-base.index.html. 

I pushed the changes to the git and uploaded a new package to

best regards,

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