On Mon, 22 Aug 2011 19:54:42 +0400, Игорь Пашев <pashev.i...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "open-axiom".
>  * Package name    : open-axiom
>    Version         : 1.4.1+svn~2299-1

Hi Igor;

Thanks for working on this, and for making a source package. You package
builds OK, but it has many lintian errors (attached). You will need to
fix most of these before the package is likely to be uploaded. Be sure
to run a recent version of lintian, as it is changing fairly quickly
these days.  Also, I think it would be helpful if you could explain the
relationship between axiom (maintainer in CC), which is already shipped
in Debian and open-axiom.  Does Debian need both? It's fine if they both
have something to offer, but if one supercedes the other, then that
could mean less work all around.

All the best, 


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