
I found myself: http://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers
I will come back as soon as the package is uploaded.

Thanks again,

2011/8/22 seba.wag...@gmail.com <seba.wag...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am not directly the Mentor of the OpenMeetings Packet but I am the author
> of the OpenMeetings Software.
> There is an open ticket at:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=617904
> We have attached also some build rules.
> Now I would like to help to bring the package into the repository.
> Can someone give me some hints on what is needed and what we can do help?
> Ideally of course I would like to become the maintainer of the Packet
> sothat we can push out updates regularly.
> Thanks a lot!
> Sebastian
> --
> Sebastian Wagner
> http://www.webbase-design.de
> http://openmeetings.googlecode.com
> http://www.wagner-sebastian.com
> seba.wag...@gmail.com

Sebastian Wagner

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