Hi Kilian,

thank you for your review.

On Sat, 2011-07-09 at 21:00 +0200, Kilian Krause wrote:

> Reviewing your package I find a bit of chat on the ITP bug yet no notion if
> that "problem" of using Ubuntu logo has yet been solved and how. 

Unfortunately, no.
I need to understand:

- if the logo can be changed
- in which way

> Your short description might benefit from adding that this uses GNOME (at
> least python-gnome2).

Added (on git).

> Just to make sure it doesn't go unnoticed: your debian/copyright uses DEP-5
> (rev. 135). Latest is 174. I hope this does reflect your intention.
> And just to be complete about this, the URL doesn't check out as is.

Fixed. (on git).

> The manpage is .. uhm, extremely brief. Sure that's all you want to tell
> your users? And even looking at the webpage indicated there doesn't
> substantially yield more information IMHO.

I checked in all web page for stretch out a bit the description, but I
haven't found nothing interested users.

> The implementation of build-stamp in debian/rules is screwed. The stamp is
> generated *before* the build target is even started. For a personal choice
> I'd vote for switching this to dh-style as it'll become much nicer that way.

I'll do it.

> As Ubuntu is a "special" upstream though, I'd also vote for using a shared
> approach that both Debian and Ubuntu can live with and share the same code.
> That being said have you already pushed your modifications to debian/rules
> back upstream? What did upstream have to say about this?

This is my first approach packaging something that comes from Ubuntu to
I treated this like any other package. Most likely I miss something.
Usually, is there a common way to package software from Ubuntu upstream?

> Your patch wasn't sent upstream. Is there a reason for this? Does Ubuntu not
> have the required command? AFAICS they also pull in the gksu via Depends for
> their versions.
> Or is it because the package is no longer maintained upstream? Last commit
> is from 2009.

The second one. This package is a little bit 'outdated'

> Comparing with the Ubuntu package you've dropped "XS-Python-Version: all" -
> why? This is a header that's preferred by the Python Policy.

Added again.

Thank you.


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