
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "gogglesmm".
> * Package name    : gogglesmm
>   Version         : 0.12.2-5
>   Upstream Author : Sander Jansen <s.jan...@gmail.com>
> * URL             : http://code.google.com/p/gogglesmm/
> * License         : GPLv3
>   Section         : sound
> It builds these binary packages:
> gogglesmm  - Goggles Music Manager
> The package appears to be lintian clean.

I've taken a look at your package and noticed the following issues that I'd like
to see addressed before sponsoring its upload:

- No ITP. Please file an ITP first and close it in your changelog.
- The conflicts/replaces for musicmanager-tray, musicmanager seem strange as
  neither of which exists as a Debian package.
- debian/copyright: Please indicate which version of the GPL your packaging
  conforms to. Updating debian/copyright to DEP-5 format would be a plus.
- Some header files in src/ are LGPL, not GPL. Needs to be noted in
- Have you considered moving to v3 (quilt) source format, dropping dpatch?
- I can't confirm the lintian-cleanliness, there's one warning about the lack of
  a man page and several info-level messages.

Hope this helps,

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