On Fri, Jul 08, 2011 at 12:55 +0200, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> (I'm creating a new thread rather than replying to a particular
> message, because my mail is not at all personal. It's a general
> tendency amongst many debian-mentors reviewers that I'm going to
> rant about.)
> A sponsor on 2011-07-08, 11:22 wrote:

> >1. You're using debhelper compat 7 and also only debhelper >=
> >7.0.50~ as Build-Depends. Please bump that to 8
> Seriously? Is the sponsor suggesting that one should be
> build-depending on a newer version, even though one does not use any
> features of the newer one?

> Also, the sponsor failed to explain that normally upgrading
> debhelper compat is not a matter of bumping a number here and there.

I can understand how this applies to older packages that have been created in
the past and just don't use some of the new functionality, but I guess that
the points are valid for completely new packages.

I had the impression that it is desirable to create those in such a way
that they use the latest compat, debhelper features and soon-to-be policy
additions such as DEP5. 

> That's a potentially time consuming and error-prone process.
Creating a package for the first time is a time consuming process, but
should one not target the current state of the art?

> Dear reviewers, next time if you are going to complain about:
> - debian/compat being "too low";

Are there specific reasons to choose a version lower than the recommended
one for *new* packages?

> - debian/rules not using dh (or not using cdbs);

If I were to sponsor packages I would at least like to see a justification why
these have not been used. The decision not to use these helpers might be
well-justified, but should be made explicit as the reasons not to use dh, for
example, might mean that the helper is lacking functionality or behaves buggy
in certain situations.

> - debian/copyright not in DEP-5 format;

You have to create that file anyway for a new package, why not use DEP5?

> Don't get me wrong, in my opinion (some of) these things are "good".
> But making a big fuss about them is not helping anybody. It only
> distracts attention from things that are important, and creates
> false impression that they are somehow crucial for high quality
> packages. I can assure, they are not.


IMHO the package creation phase is a very important step in the lifetime of a
package and should target the state-of-the-art, as it lays the groundwork for
everything that comes afterwards. Are there reasons not to focus on being
up-to-date? Uploading a non-DEP5 package for example just means that the
copyright has to be changed later in order to be policy compliant, doesn't it?
  .''`.     Wolodja Wentland    <babi...@gmail.com>
 : :'  :
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