On Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 09:40:18AM +0100, Christian Pohl wrote:
> Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Christian Pohl <w...@pohlcity.de> writes:
> >> ---snip---
> >> Where does trunk/update/update-templates.php store updated files? Does
> >> it overwrite files contained in the package with newer versions?
> >> ---snap---
> >> it will overwrite files in the templates dir if a new version of this
> >> file is on the server (See README.debian)
> >
> > That is a policy violation: "/usr is the second major section of the
> > filesystem. /usr is shareable, read-only data. That means that /usr
> > should be shareable between various FHS-compliant hosts and must not be
> > written to. Any information that is host-specific or varies with time is
> > stored elsewhere."[1]
> >
> > You likely want to store the templates in /var. Also take care that
> > updated templates are not overwritten when the package is updated.
> >
> >   [1] <file:///usr/share/doc/debian-policy/fhs/fhs-2.3.txt.gz>
> >
> That's interesting. I thinks there are some other webapps out there that
> have a (web-called) config skript that writes a config.php (or similar) in
> /usr/share/<mywebapp>.
> But thanks, I've overseen that while going through the policy/FHS. I will
> modify this to /var/webhoneypot/templates.

Just for the record, I think /var/lib/webhoneypot/ might be even better :)


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@freebsd.org pe...@packetscale.com
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