I'm new in Debian.And i met a problem on svn-buildpackage $ls schacon-hg-git-0ed3c70 tarballs $ls tarballs/ hg-git_0.2.5.orig.tar.gz $cd schacon-hg-git-0ed3c70/ $svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot Complete layout information: trunkDir=/tmp/xx/schacon-hg-git-0ed3c70 trunkUrl=svn+ssh:// fqj1994-gu...@svn.debian.org/svn/python-apps/packages/hg-git/trunk dpkg-checkbuilddeps mergeWithUpstream mode detected, looking for ../tarballs/hg-git_0.2.5.orig.tar.gz I: mergeWithUpstream property set, looking for upstream source tarball... E: Could not find the origDir directory, please check the settings! at /usr/bin/svn-buildpackage line 595.
Is there anyone who can tell me how to solve this problem