2010/10/24 Paul Gevers <p...@climbing.nl>

> [Please don't top post. Debian e-mail list prefer in-line and bottom
> posts.]
> I haven't looked at the package bug I try to help by commenting on your
> question
> > 1) What is an ITP bug? why I must to open it to close after?
> An ITP bug is an Intent To Package bug against WNPP pseudo package in
> the Debian bug tracker [1], telling the community that you are working
> on a package. Relevant parties are subscribed to bugs for that package
> and can comment on things like description and possible license issues.
> You should look there first to see if somebody is already working on the
> same package to avoid duplicate work. The first and only line in your
> changelog should than be: "Initial release (closes #xxx)"
> > 2) I don't know really, but I guess that empty directories are usefull
> > to extend the electronic parts of the application by the user or other
> > packages. Because that I decide keep them.
> Other packages should create their own directories if needed. What is
> the specific use case for the users, that they cannot create the
> directories.
> Paul
> [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=wnpp
Hi, I solved the remain problems. The ITP bug number is #601230. You can
check the bugreport here:


What is the next step? :)

Enrique Hernández Bello

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