
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 0.3-3
> of my package "twofish".
> The new packaging expands on the documentation and mentions
> the repository at "deb-maint" of Alioth origin.
> It builds these binary packages:
> libtwofish-dev - Niels Ferguson's Twofish cryptographic algorithm library
> libtwofish0 - Niels Ferguson's Twofish cryptographic library -- runtime 
> package
> The package appears to be pedantically lintian clean, save for the
> lack of recorded home page for either of the binary packages.
> This cannot be mended, unfortunately.

Thanks a lot for updating the package; I wasn't too sure whether your previous
sponsor would have taken it anyway, and I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes
by having uploaded it. Should appear in unstable in a few minutes.


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