On Thu, 7 Oct 2010, Charles Plessy wrote:
Le Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 11:08:05AM -0400, Asheesh Laroia a écrit :
It's a really good idea... maybe I should actually ask my sponsorees to
review other people's packages on the debian-mentors list as a sort of
social "trade" -- I upload if you join the review team.
Hi all,
This reminds me a site that I discover today in the Dreamhost
newsletter, http://feedbackroulette.com/. I have not found source code,
but the idea is simple and could be translated to an anonymous package
review system. Perhaps that could be implemented with ikiwiki ?
Otherwise, if anonymicity is not necessary for the review, a simple
system could be implemented with WNPP bugs and usertags. You can have a
look at http://wiki.debian.org/CopyrightReview for a (not so successful)
Thank you for your efforts to improve debian-mentors. I am sure that
everybody has good intentions, but with such a high traffic it is just
too easy to lose momentum.
Interesting ideas. I'm not going to spearhead such an effort in the near
future, but I like the concept (and if someone wanted to rope me in as a
*user* of such a system, I probably would join up).
-- Asheesh.
You will be reincarnated as a toad; and you will be much happier.