Hello mentors, 

I am looking for a sponsor for my package

Package name    : python-django-threadedcomments
Version         : 0.5.2
Upstream Author : Eric Florenzano <flo...@gmail.com>
URL             : http://github.com/ericflo/django-threadedcomments
License         : BSD
Programming Lang: Python
Description     : simple yet flexible threaded commenting system for

It builds the binary package: python-django-threadedcomments

The package has already been partly reviewed by a Debian developer (and
amended by myself). The DD unfortunately had to end his sponsorship due
to time constraints.

The upload would fix this bug: 580815

My motivation for maintaining this package is:
I'm interested in getting Django apps packaged for Debian; particularly
Pinax dependencies.

Package location(s):
- Svn:
- Svn-Browser:
- URL: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/python-django-threadedcomments
- dget:
- PythonModulesTeam queue:

I would be grateful if someone sponsored this package for me.

Kind regards,

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