Le samedi 05 juin 2010, Michael Gilbert a écrit :
> If you can pinpoint some example files that crash evince but work fine
> in xpdf, I will test them.  So far, I have not encountered any issues
> myself. Gentoo has been shipping xpdf-poppler for a few years now, and I
> haven't seen any complaints of your nature there (although I have not
> done an exhaustive search).

I never saw any file that made Evince crash, but I saw some files that
Xpdf renders perfectly and where Evince does not display at all some
fonts. For instance the LaTeX fontspec package's documentation, that you
can find at <http://tanguy.ortolo.eu/tmp/fontspec.pdf>.

I have often used Xpdf as a fallback when Evince was unable to correctly
display a file. Making them use the same renderer would just leave me
completely unable to read those files, so if it happens, I would try
very hard to keep an old version of Xpdf as long as I can. :-/

Tanguy Ortolo

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