Hello Paul.

Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> (05/05/2010):
> Should XSF packages have the team address in Maintainer?

Yes. That's the kind of stuff I'm going to detail later on while
reviewing this package.

> Any idea why upstream installs a .la file for the driver? Surely that
> isn't needed. Do the RedHat/Fedora install it? This generates a
> warning:
> dh_install: usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/qxl_drv.la exists in
> debian/tmp but is not installed to anywhere

That's the case for all Xorg drivers AFAICT. At least so says my
grepping my binary build logs after the few uploads performed lately.

> dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package xserver-xorg-video-qxl: unused
> substitution variable ${xinpdriver:Provides}

Expected. That's not an input driver, and the XSF build system (xsfbs)
is common to all drivers. See input drivers, ${xviddriver:Provides} is
unused there.


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