Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 0.4-3
of my package "gtkcookie".  I'm trying to adopt the package,
with many updates to its Debian packaging, and to fix a bug and
a couple of compiler warnings.

Also, although I'm aware that this would be a bit unusual for
a first upload of an adopted package, I would be most grateful
if a kind sponsor would set the DM-Upload-Allowed bit - and of course,
if the sponsor should deem it inappropriate, that'd be all right, too :)

There is a single binary package:
gtkcookie  - Editor for cookie files

It has been with lintian and pbuider.

The upload would fix these bugs: 414524 (ITA), 437119 (honor nostrip)

The package can be found on

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

JFYI, here's the latest changelog entry:

gtkcookie (0.4-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * New maintainer.  Closes: #414524
  * Add the Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser source control fields.
  * Remove debian/conffiles - no idea what it was doing in this package :)
  * Switch to debhelper:
    - add a dependency on debhelper
    - create debian/compat
    - minimize the rules file using override targets
    - remove the debian/dirs, postinst and postrm files - dh_installmenu
      does its job just fine
    - install the WISHLIST file using debian/docs
    - add misc:Depends to the binary package
  * Remove the duplicate priority specification.
  * Add an empty watch file.
  * Convert to the 3.0 (quilt) source format.
  * Add the 01-install patch to install an unstripped binary and let
    dh_strip do its work.  Closes: #437119
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4:
    - change the menu section Apps/Net -> Applications/Network/Web Browsing
    - add the 02-cflags patch to honor the user's CFLAGS, thus also
      honoring the "noopt" build option
  * Add the 03-manpage patch to fix some hyphen/minus-sign confusion.
  * In the extended description, note that modern browsers do not store
    their cookies in plaintext files, but in SQLite databases instead;
    thus, also fix the lintian "extended description too short" warning :)
  * Convert the copyright file to the DEP 5 format and add my own
    copyright notice for the debian/* files.
  * Remove the GPL-2+ license excerpt from the debian/rules file, since
    it is present in debian/copyright, and add my copyright notice to
    the rules file, too.
  * Add the 04-warnings patch to fix some compiler warnings.
  * Pass -Werror to the compiler if the "werror" build option is set.
  * Use the build hardening wrapper if the "hardening" build option is set.

 -- Peter Pentchev <>  Thu, 11 Mar 2010 02:35:38 +0200


Peter Pentchev
PGP key:
Key fingerprint 2EE7 A7A5 17FC 124C F115  C354 651E EFB0 2527 DF13
because I didn't think of a good beginning of it.

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