Dear Lacos,

Perhaps the URL I supplied was not very well chosen, but I didn't make a separate web-page for this project yet. Perhaps I should.

The source code can be found at

I wrote libzeep out of frustration with the limitations in gSoap. I needed a high performing SOAP server with multiple server instances listening to separate ports and it had to be easy to use. As a bonus I also implemented pre-forked mode as in apache.

The library is C++ only and relies on the use of boost::fusion to generate all code at compile time. The signature of an exported method is morphed by the compiler into code that can generate a WSDL on-the-fly as well as process incoming SOAP requests and sending out replies. As an extra, each SOAP service is available as a (albeit somewhat limited) REST service making debugging a bit easier.

And so you don't need a separate program to generate code, the C++ compiler does all the work for you.

The code has been in production for over a year now, you can see it e.g. at which is a Java web application that uses the SOAP server backend that uses libzeep.

Hope this clarifies things a bit.


(This will be off-topic, sorry. I'm not a DD, just a curious user.)

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Maarten L. Hekkelman wrote:

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "libzeep".

* URL             :

This redirected me to [0] and there I didn't find the word "zeep" in the page. Googling for "libzeep" returned four hits, all under [1]. Are you sure this is the right URL? (I checked because I wanted to read up on the library.)

libzeep-dev - Library to create SOAP server software in c++
libzeep1   - Library to create SOAP server software in c++

How does it compare to gsoap [2] [3]? I'm honestly curious.

Thank you,


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