> I have just followed the link to
> http://www.auto.tuwien.ac.at/~mkoegler/index.php/pth
> and found Debian packages there, right from pthsem's author. The package
> should be taken from there - do you agree?

I haven't done anything on pthsem (yet); I will need to do some work on
it since eibd-server depends on it.

Martin is always the first reference; I only took his work and worked on
integrating it a bit better for end users (purely selfish of me; I did
it for my system and I know that a couple of collegues that are not
developers want to use a similar setup; getting it done the Debian way
makes my life easier ;-))

Don't focus on the packages as of yet; I need to clean them up; haven't
done that yet; main focus was automatic install and configuration of
linknx and eibd-server.

  greetz, marc
If you are smart enough to know that you're not smart enough to be an
Engineer, then you're in Business.
crichton 2.6.26 #1 PREEMPT Tue Jul 29 21:17:59 CDT 2008 GNU/Linux

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