
Joachim Wiedorn <ad_deb...@joonet.de> wrote:

> > I see that you added a description to your patches. This is a very good 
> > thing.
> > Note that there is a standardisation effort for patch descriptions. I 
> > recommend
> > you to try it next time: ‘http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/’.
> Still now I have seen so many different descriptions in patches. So I
I have looked back the last 7 months on debian-devel and some of my
questions are clear now.

> am not sure which version is the best form. But there is one essential
> topic for me I'm missing in DEP-3: there are no line with the file name.
It seems nobody need the filename inside patch files - only myself.
Does anyone know a solution?

> The other thing is, I always want to have a sign "#" at the beginning
> of descriptions as distinction to the usual content of the patch files.
It seems "#" can be used similar to dpatch. That is a good message.

And one item is not solved: where should I write the package name
inside the patch file? I think it is important.

Fondest regards,
 Joachim Wiedorn

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