Hello Charles, thanks for uploading.
---- Am Sun, 27 Dec 2009 14:05:52 +0900 schrieb Charles Plessy <ple...@debian.org>: > Here are a couple of minor comments on the package, that can be adressed in a > later upload. > > - How about maintaining the source package in a VCS? > - Why is the cron script in /etc/cron.daily prefixed by ‘zz-’? > - The dual changelog / ChangeLog is quite confusing because they are both > Debian changelogs. > - ${shlibs:Depends} is not needed in debian/control. > - In README.Debian, “alle directories” should be “all directories”. > - The information about who packages backup2l in debian/copyright is > redundant > with the changelog, and may be reomved if you wish so. > - You chose GPL version 3 for the packaging, but backup2l is GPL version 2 or > superior. If you appreciate the possibility of upgrading from version 2 to > 3, how about adding an ‘or (at your option) any later version’ clause? > - Lastly, lintian found some bugs in the manpages. Since you are in contact > with Gundolf, this is a good opportunity to get then fixed upstream > directly. Thanks for this detailed feedback. I will check these topics soon for a package update. Fondest regards, Joachim Wiedorn
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