On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 05:43:40PM +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
> Howdy mentors,
> I am seeking a sponsor for release 1.5-4 of my package, ‘lojban-common’.
> It builds the following binary package:
>     lojban-common: commonly-used wordlists for the Lojban language
> The package is a collection of language data for the constructed human
> language Lojban. Maintenance effort is very minimal. I am seeking a new
> sponsor because the previous sponsor has become too busy for sponsorship
> workload.
> This release fixes some old packaging glitches (with no corresponding
> bug reports), and updates the source package format to “3.0 (quilt)”.
> Please download the package:
>     $ dget 
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/lojban-common/lojban-common_1.5-4.dsc
> I look forward to working with a new sponsor on this simple package.


        Checksums of your orig tarball and the one in the archive don't match:

New upload
  78792179630eb1e1b5408c295fae760f8d9036b4d30cfb7342973b03a8d26ee9 460926 

  cb9c69528abe5c6bb938651ac82ca1f40e6377c0353da077a538d771edb5bc51 460931 



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