
thanks for the hint to debian-mentors. So I add that list and attach the
original mail to that mail. I set also a reply-to for debian-mentors und
myself (I am not subscribed to debian-mentor 'til now). I left also
debian-devel to show where the follow up is going on. (Urgh, NNTP is
that better for discussions than mailing lists!)

Am So den 25. Okt 2009 um  4:27 schrieb Charles Plessy:
> Fist of all, thank you Klaus for proposing your help on dcraw. In 2008, the
> package was in a similar situation, and Steve eventually prepared an update. I
> recommend to the people concerend by the state of dcraw to have a look at the
> following thread on debian-ment...@l.d.o:
> http://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/91f186a80807081226n4d4567feu96daf465fefa...@mail.gmail.com

Hmm.. Fascinating. He did also the same than me by including the
internationalized manpages and locales (which is also lost in the latest
official package by Steve).

However, I put my dcraw package to my ftp server under
ftp://ftp.ethgen.de/pub/debian/pool/ (dcraw_8.98*) for review.

> But on the other hand, I think that the situation could be better if dcraw 
> were
> team-maintained rather than updated once a year. Steve, what do you think 
> about
> this?

You can count for me.

> PS: and of course, this discussion has to move to another list as soon as it
> enters into technical details about packaging issues.

Sure. As I mention I did the x post.

Klaus Ethgen                            http://www.ethgen.de/
pub  2048R/D1A4EDE5 2000-02-26 Klaus Ethgen <kl...@ethgen.de>
Fingerprint: D7 67 71 C4 99 A6 D4 FE  EA 40 30 57 3C 88 26 2B
--- Begin Message ---
Hash: SHA512

Package: dcraw
Followup-For: Bug #519604
Followup-For: Bug #506705
Followup-For: Bug #523789

I updated dcraw strait forward to version 8.95-0. This can be done in
less than 5 minutes. And even this is not the newest version. The reason
I need that version was that the version in debian doesn't support my

However, the newer versions support many newer camera models out there.
The update will also close bugs #506705 and #523789.

I am not a debian maintainer, but I can create a NMU and send it to
Steve King (Maintainer of dcraw) for regular upload by you or give it to
another maintainer to load up the NMU if the regular maintainer is to
busy. For that reason I also cc to debian-devel to ask for a regular to
suport the upload.


Ps. I can also upload the package to my unofficial package repository
but I prefer to have a up-to-date package in debian.
- -- 
Klaus Ethgen                            http://www.ethgen.de/
pub  2048R/D1A4EDE5 2000-02-26 Klaus Ethgen <kl...@ethgen.de>
Fingerprint: D7 67 71 C4 99 A6 D4 FE  EA 40 30 57 3C 88 26 2B
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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