Wolodja Wentland <wentl...@cl.uni-heidelberg.de> writes:

> The application contains some nose test scripts and data that are
> installed into PREFIX/share/foo/test/{scripts,data}. Is this the
> appropriate place in Debian?

Probably the unit test suite and its data is inappropriate for
installation by the binary package, since regular users won't use it and
anyone intending to understand how the program operates or to modify it
will want the source package anyway. Keep it in the source package, but
omit it from the binary.

If the distribution is done using Python's Distutils, then this should
be configured by upstream: the configuration of ‘setup.py’ should
include all files for the ‘sdist’, but deliberately omit the test suite
and its data from installation.

> Furthermore it also installs application data into
> PREFIX/share/foo/data. The data is unlikely to change, but could be
> replaced by newer versions whenever the system administrator decides
> to do so. Is '/usr/share/foo/data' correct for data like this?

Yes. Newer package releases can of course replace files installed by
older releases of the package (exception: conffiles), and for files that
don't change during the lifetime of a particular release,
‘/usr/share/foo/’ is correct.

You might want to consult the latest versions of FHS and Debian Policy
to get more details on the appropriate places for files by their
intended purpose.

 \      “I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer |
  `\                        thinks he can get me five.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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