Hi mentors, On my package, dhcp-probe, i have a problem on 64 bits architectures (amd64 for the bug report). I built a patch with help of Ilkka Virta and i have not any 64 bits host to test the patch. How to test a package 64 bits on a 32 bits host ? If it is impossible, where can i test my package before submit it for upload ? Is there any machine where i can logon freely and test my package (i am not Debian Developer nor Debian Maintainer) ?
Thanks in advance. Best regards. -- Laurent Guignard, Registered as user #301590 with the Linux Counter Site : http://www.famille-guignard.org Blog : http://blog.famille-guignard.org Projet : http://sicontact.sourceforge.net GULL de Villefranche sur Saône : http://www.cagull.org
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