Il giorno mer, 19/08/2009 alle 19.19 +0200, Patrick Matthäi ha scritto: 
> Hash: SHA1
> Pietro Battiston schrieb:
> > Rogério's mail ([0]) gave me desire to insist.
> > 
> > Now I'm being much more clearer and short: a (not so unpopular) package
> > (Denemo) is unmaintained. It has bugs and a very old version packaged,
> > which upstream strongly suggests to avoid. I repackaged it from scratch:
> > last upstream version (and changes aren't really minor, also w.r.t.
> > packaging), and dropped CDBS.
> > 
> > To the first mail I send, the maintainer answers, after 15 days, "I have
> > no time to comment".
> > To the second mail, where I link the package I made, no answer after 18
> > days.
> > 
> > What should I do?
> > 
> > "Just wait" would also be an admissible response... but _how much time_?
> > And then?
> Please bug this package with your patch attached (or .dsc).
> If he does not act within 10 days on it you could create an NMU, I am
> willed to sponsor it, if there are no bigger misstakes in your packaging.

Done: see [0], get the .dsc at [1].

About why 0.8.8 was more problematic than 0.8.6, details are in
debian/patches/08_git_autogen_config.dpatch .


> After the NMU you may also hijack the package if the maintainer is still
> not responsible for his package.

Not that I tremendously desire it; for a pure question of free time (I'm
not even a regular C programmer, so debugging problems really takes me
time), I'd prefer to continue NMUing (and in particular I promise I will
take care of the next release, which will hopefully allow to remove the
bigger patch and tweaks to debian/rules) until there is some hope that
Gunter will step back in. But anyway, if there's need I will do it.

I wait for your feedback


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