
This is not quite a request for sponsorship, but rather something
like a request for help.  The confget package, kindly sponsored by
George Danchev back in March, has remained in unstable since then
because of a FTBFS bug #526961 on the "mips" and "mipsel" architectures.
I tried to ask for help on the debian-mips list -
http://lists.debian.org/debian-mips/2009/05/msg00009.html - but got
no reply.

As noted in both the bug log and my email to debian-mips, I strongly
suspect a bug lurking in the hardening-wrapper; it might turn out
that George Danchev was right in doubting whether the build should be
hardened by default.  FWIW, I personally think the hardening wrapper
is a great idea, and I enable it by default in all my packages, but
still... :)

So, now for the actual RFH: could anybody with access to a Debian
unstable installation on the mips or mipsel architecture try to build
the confget-1.02-1 package as currently available in unstable?
If the build fails as in the buildd logs, could you please try my
new version at mentors.d.n:
It is pretty much the same as 1.02-1, with the hardening wrapper
disabled, groff used instead of groff-base, and a couple of minor
fixups to the Debian packaging that should not affect the build or
the test suite.

If the version without the hardening should build successfully,
just let me know and I'll upload a new one with the bug closed in
the changelog entry.  Otherwise... I'll just have to start thinking
about what really causes the test failure :)

Thanks in advance for any assistance!


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net    r...@space.bg    r...@freebsd.org
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