Hi again,

Patrick Matthäi wrote:
> Paul Wise schrieb:
>> On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Dario Minnucci
>> (midget)<deb...@midworld.net> wrote:
>>> Nick Leverton wrote:
>>>> The upstream package contains private copies of libtalloc and pupnp, both 
>>>> of
>>>> which are already included in Debian in their own right (libtalloc1 and
>>>> libupnp3).  Perhaps you could consider specifying --with-external-libupnp
>>>> and --with-external-talloc in your ./configure.  If there are any
>>>> changes you need to libupnp3, I would be pleased to receive suggestions
>>>> in the BTS.  IANADD so I can't upload for you, sorry.
>>> PS: Shall I remove from the original sources 'libupnp' and 'talloc' and 
>>> rename the package to be
>>> DFSG, or it's OK to distribute upstream sources like that ?
>> By far the best is to talk to upstream and get them to remove the
>> embedded code copies along with any patches needed to build properly.
> ACK.

Ok, I'll try to talk to upstream about this issue.
Anyway, I'm rebuilding it against libs shipped in Debian.

>> Personally I wouldn't bother stripping the embedded code copies from
>> the orig.tar.gz. I would add 'rm -rf libupnp talloc' to debian/rules
>> just before the ./configure call so that there is no chance of the
>> package being built against the embedded code copies though.
> Moving would be better, because with this way you are modifying the
> tarball and then you will mostly have an error on building the package
> twice.

Is there any convention to do this 'moving'?

> I also do not see any need for it, if it realy builds against the system
> wide libs.


>> If you do strip the embedded code copies from the orig.tar.gz, it is
>> inappropriate to add +dfsgX to the upstream version number because you
>> aren't stripping for DFSG-related reasons. +dsX for "Debian Source" is
>> what the devref or policy recommends for non-DFSG repacking IIRC,
>> please read about that though, I could be wrong.
> I wouldn't prefer this solution. If upstream removes them, everything is
> nice, if not, he should live with that..

I prefer not to touch sources, if it's possible.

Cheers and thanks for quick answers.

PS: Shall I write back to the one who answers my questions or directly back to 
the list, or both?

 Dario Minnucci (midget) <deb...@midworld.net>
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