I've updated the package to the new upstream version 2009.1.1.

> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "php-ezcomponents".
> * Package name    : php-ezcomponents
>   Version         : 2009.1-1
>   Upstream Author : eZ Systems AS
> * URL             : http://ezcomponents.org
> * License         : New BSD
>   Section         : web
> It builds these binary packages:
> php-ezcomponents-all - Super package to install a complete release of eZ
> Components
> php-ezcomponents-archive - create, modify, and extract archive files
> php-ezcomponents-authentication - support for different authentication
> mechanisms
> php-ezcomponents-authenticationdatabasetiein - Tie-In to connect the
> authentication and database components
> php-ezcomponents-base - The Base package provides the basic infrastructure
> for eZ Compone
> php-ezcomponents-cache - A solution for caching, supporting multiple
> backends php-ezcomponents-configuration - support for configuration files
> in different formats
> php-ezcomponents-consoletools - A set of classes to interact with the
> console php-ezcomponents-database - A lightweight database layer on top of
> PHPs PDO php-ezcomponents-databaseschema - Classes that allow you to
> extract information from a database sch
> php-ezcomponents-debug - provides a set of classes that help you to debug
> php-ezcomponents-document - general conversion framework for document
> formats php-ezcomponents-eventlog - log events or audit trails into files
> or other storage spaces
> php-ezcomponents-eventlogdatabasetiein - database writer backend for the
> EventLog component
> php-ezcomponents-execution - functionality to show errors to your
> applications users
> php-ezcomponents-feed - parsing and creating RSS1, RSS2 and ATOM feeds
> php-ezcomponents-file - file operations which are not covered by PHP
> php-ezcomponents-graph - creates pie charts, line graphs and other kinds of
> diagrams
> php-ezcomponents-graphdatabasetiein - GraphDatabaseTiein to directly use
> PDO statements
> php-ezcomponents-imageanalysis - analyse image files in different ways
> php-ezcomponents-imageconversion - apply different filters on images
> php-ezcomponents-mail - construct and/or parse Mail messages
> php-ezcomponents-mvcauthenticationtiein - Authentication filters for the
> MvcTools components
> php-ezcomponents-mvcfeedtiein - View handler to render data as ATOM or RSS
> feed
> php-ezcomponents-mvcmailtiein - extracts request data from e-mail
> php-ezcomponents-mvctemplatetiein - view handler that renders result data
> with the Template component
> php-ezcomponents-mvctools - Infrastructure for MVC applications
> php-ezcomponents-persistentobject - ORM Mapper for PHP
> php-ezcomponents-persistentobjectdatabaseschematiein - automatic generation
> of PersistentObject definition
> php-ezcomponents-phpgenerator - interface for creating PHP files and
> executing PHP code
> php-ezcomponents-search - interface to index and query documents from
> search engines
> php-ezcomponents-signalslot - implements a mechanism for object
> communication php-ezcomponents-systeminformation - access to common system
> variables, such as CPU type and speed
> php-ezcomponents-template - Templating system like smarty, but better
> php-ezcomponents-templatetranslationtiein - use translations inside
> templates php-ezcomponents-translation - reads XML translation definitions
> (the Qt Linguist format)
> php-ezcomponents-translationcachetiein - adds the TranslationCache backend
> to the Translation component
> php-ezcomponents-tree - creating, manipulating and querying of tree
> structures php-ezcomponents-treedatabasetiein - TieIn to store tree
> structures in databases
> php-ezcomponents-treepersistentobjecttiein - TieIn to handle persistent
> objects in tree structures
> php-ezcomponents-url - basic operations to handle urls
> php-ezcomponents-userinput - Filters user input
> php-ezcomponents-webdav - classes to set up and run a WebDAV (RFC 2518)
> server php-ezcomponents-workflow - Core of an Activity-Based WorkFlow
> System php-ezcomponents-workflowdatabasetiein - database backend for the
> Workflow component
> php-ezcomponents-workfloweventlogtiein - EventLog listener for the Workflow
> component
> php-ezcomponents-workflowsignalslottiein - SignalSlot links for the
> Workflow component
> The package appears to be lintian clean.
> The upload would fix these bugs: 478755
> The package can be found on mentors.debian.net:
> - URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/php-ezcomponents
> - Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main
> contrib non-free
> - dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/php-ezcomponents/php-
> ezcomponents_2009.1-1.dsc
> I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.
> Kind regards
> Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro
Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

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