Harald Dunkel schrieb:
> Neil Williams wrote:
>> A dead upstream effectively requires that the Debian maintainer (you)
>> become the upstream - are you ready to take on that task?
> Lets say I am not completely unprepared, at least from the software
> engineering side ;-). But I am not sure about the options I have to
> release new "upstream" versions. Do I have to run my own web page
> for this purpose?

        You could quite probably get a alioth project approved for that or
sourceforge, berlios, launchpad, savannah, google-code, even git-hub
could do.

> [snip]
>> In that case, the new upstream for the game (you) can write some new
>> levels that are free. It seems pointless to consign the game to
>> non-free when for the sake of a few game levels, it could be in main.
>> The "game" is not non-free, so package the game and a few new levels
>> and invite people to contribute new levels that are under the same
>> licence as the game itself.
> This is surely an interesting option. Blockade can read, edit and write
> ASCII files providing new levels. It is just not that good in managing
> these levels. I could improve this. And surely I can create a few new
> run levels.
> But don't you think it would be a pity to loose the 80 existing game
> levels?

        If you have some free levels you can still put the non-free ones in a
separate tarball and upload this to non-free while the game and the free
levels can go to main. You'll have to separate tarballs of course.

> Regards
> Harri



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