Hi Golov,

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 1:32 AM, Evgeni Golov <evg...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, 19 Jun 2009 10:44:30 +0000 mezgani ali wrote:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-ipcalc".
> Looks interesting, esp for some work I'll have to do soon :)
> > python-ipcalc - Python module that allows you to perform IP subnet
> calculations
Well i've performed some changes in the python-ipcalc package as you

> Here are some quick findings, more to come:
> 0. why is the package native? it shouldn't be.


> 1. short desc should be "perform IP subnet calculations", the fact it
> is a python module comes directly from the package name :)

> 2. you set build-deps on dh7, but don't use any of it's features? you
> could shorten the debian/rules *a lot* with it.
> 3. debian/docs and debian/dirs are empty, please remove them if you
> dont need them.

> 4. Standards-Version should be 3.8.2

> 5. Please use python-central or python-support and not hardcode python
> >= 2.0 in depends, use ${python:Depends}.

> 6. long desc is somewhat short :)

> 7. You ship only a .py file, thus package should be arch:all, not any.

> lintian would have told you about 0, 4 and 6.
> That's all for now. Please fix the above and I'll have another look.
The package still have to warning, "binary-arch-rules-but-pkg-is-arch-indep"
and  "empty-debian-diff"
Please can you help me with this.

> Regards
> Evgeni
> --
> Bruce Schneier Fact Number 13:
> Bruce Schneier's discrete logarithms are uncountable and continuous

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