On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 00:53, Serafeim Zanikolas<ser...@hellug.gr> wrote:
> There's a tradeoff: encouraging potential new contributors (in the hope that

and do you think you're in position to take this tradeoff? I don't think so.

> they'll eventually read all the docs) at the cost of initially lower-quality
> RFS requests,

and who will pay this price? you don't for sure, but the sponsors!! Do
you really want to make them more upset than by current low quality
RFSes (there are exceptions, of course)?

> or making it clear from the start that packaging is hard and
> time-consuming and they shouldn't even bother until they've read all 3 docs in
> full [1]

If you say that, the whole page will lose its reason to exist.

>> If you want pursuit this road, you'll drive apart potential future
>> contributors because the moment they'll send the RFS and they'll get
>> scolded very heavy due to their lack of basic knowledge, they do
>> really wasted their and our time.
> The primer repeatedly mentions lintian, which catches most policy violations,

lintian IS NOT the lonely tool you can relay on, it's your BRAIN the
best tool for packaging.

> I honestly don't mind dropping the page, but I haven't been convinced that the
> issues you raise can't be addressed by adding more references and warning
> flags in the doc.

Fine, keep going on with that... Matthew already told you alternative
activities for time-starved people, it will be your fault to keep
spreading damn wrong suggestions.

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi

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